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Love and Happiness

The two magical words enlivening our lives, love and happiness, make our world a better place to be. Tying up people in their indestructible and unselfish bond, love and happiness are sought by every individual in the world. Yet, true love and happiness are destined for few. The problem remains in the illusionary quest for love and happiness.

What do love and happiness truly mean?

For most people happiness lies in achievements, satisfaction of ego, success and getting an edge over competitors, obtaining material goods, and others. When we satisfy our egos, believing in its demands and wishes, and revelling in its achievements, we fail to realise that the happiness derived from such achievements is transitory in nature.

Denial of ego, generous acts of love, contemplation of divine love in our hearts, removal of hatred from our minds and hearts, forgiveness, sacrifice, and pursuit of spirituality, among others leads us to the path of everlasting love and happiness.

Love and Happiness are interlinked and inseparable from each other. True acts of love can lead to lasting happiness in our lives. And such permanent happiness is achieved by experiencing and embarking on the journey and quest towards divine happiness.

To shower unselfish love on our loved ones and to help them always with true love in our hearts is what true love and happiness truly mean. Happiness depends upon love—the divine feeling that takes us closer to God and all our fellow beings.

With love in our hearts, we can be at peace and at harmony with ourselves and others. The pursuance of unselfish love, generosity, spirituality, gratification, and peacefulness results in a change in our attitude too. And this change in attitude makes us realise what happiness means.

The deep feeling of love for God, for our close ones, as well as for our fellow-beings is what helps in lighting the lamp of divine happiness in this world. Love and happiness constitutes an integral part of our life and makes up the very meaning and core of our existence.


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